Patient Portal Help
Thank you for signing up for the patient portal. The video at the bottom of this page shows the registration process, as well as how to set up the portal app and how to start a TeleVisit. You may pause the video at anytime to read the information. Two other videos in both English and Spanish give details about joining a TeleVist.
If you need further help call Quality Comprehensive Health Center at 704-394-8968 or email us at Portal Help. For more information on the healow mobile app you can watch the video at: https://youtu.be/gZT_mLkNxgw. To download the portal app go to the app store for your device and search for "healow app" developed by eClinicalWorks®, LLC.
How to Join A TeleVisit
There is no login required if you start the visit from the link in your email or text message appointment reminder. You can also start your visit by logging into the portal or the healow app.
Start your visit in a secure and private location.
"Arrive early" by logging in or clicking the link in your appointment reminder.
Fill out any patient questions or vitals if asked. It is okay to skip this page.
Click "Proceed" to check computer compatibility for your TeleVisit. If you receive an error try checking in directly from your appointment reminder link or use the healow app.
Click "Start TeleVisit" to enter the virtual waiting room.
Your provider will begin the face-to-face TeleVisit and disconnect when the visit ends.